Monday, December 21, 2009

Not ready yet!!

So Christmas is less than a week away and I'm in no way ready for it! And it doesn't even feel like Christmas, really. Yes, we have the tree up in the living room, we've been making cookies and crafting Chrismas-themed things, listening to holiday music at home and in the car, watching Christmas specials on tv constantly, gone shopping for gifts for all the good little girls and boys, but something just hasn't clicked to me that the holiday will be here in four days. Lack of snow, perhaps? I'm not complaining; the longer the snow stays away, the happier I am. Maybe it's because I'm not heading home this holiday season. Because of Jay's lack of a passport and with finances being as they are, we're postponing the state-side holiday festivities for a while. Hopefully by February we'll have celebrated with my dad and sister. Maybe that's what's got me off my game ... Lack of rushing around to fit all the visits in this year. We're heading to Jay's sister's house on Christmas day. The end. No other running around to do. Again, not complaining, it just feels weird.

I'm hoping my Christmas spirit shows up soon. I need it to kick my butt in gear to wrap some presents!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Really? Christmas is almost here? Crud!

So not ready for the holidays this year! Just got the tree up on Thursday (12/10) and a batch of cut-out gingerbread cookies (12/11), I'm late this year.

This year has flown by, and it feels like we just had Christmas a month ago! Yeesh!

Been busy with work, raisin' a kid, radio show, dvr-full of shows to catch up on. You know, stuff.

So, sorry I've been too busy to blog :( Maybe I'll make a new years resolution to blog more! Yea...I think I will...and you read it here first! :)

Maybe if Santa delivers a lappy-toppy, I could blog from the couch...hahahahaha!

Ok, gotta pick a kid up from school. Sorry it's a short blog, but it's something!

Check out Get Your Geek On ... Sundays, 7pm - 9pm ET on :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our first interview!

So, here we are at the Everything To Do With Sex show, and who walks by but a gaggle of Klingons (do Klingons travel in gaggles? flocks? Pride?) so we started chatting and asked them to come back for an interview, and they did! I, admittedly, do no know much Star Trek stuff, but I think I was able to hold my own in the interview.

They were a really great group, and one even told me how to make my own Klingon headdress. The head of the international group was dressed as a cross between Batman and a Klingon, which rocked! Their website is

So, now on to the final day of the show...and wait til I tell you about the Orgasmatron!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Toronto fun-ness

Made it to Toronto yesterday ... And the show was awesome. Now in to day two! 14 hours of sex convention fun! The cab ride in from the hotel was fun ... And saw an ad for a Toronto real estate agent with his head on he body of a dog or a sheep, and he was on the moon :)

Ok, going to set up now :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, November 20, 2009

Mobile blogging!

Just wanted to test out the new blogging app on my iPod...seems to work! Now I can blog/tweet/facebook from The Everything To Do With Sex Show, provided I can get wi-fi!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. It really sucks when life gets in the way :P

Just wanted to blog a bit about my mom. I apologize in advance...this may get long-winded and sappy :P

Mom passed away November 11. She held on in the hospital until I could get there, so I got the chance to say goodbye to her. She had fallen at some point in the night/early morning and dad found her and called the ambulance. At the end, she wasn't responsive, but breathing on her own. Lately, she hadn't been leaving her house, except for her endless doctor appointments. She had just been fitted for a wheelchair, and it was to be delivered this coming week. Dad was hoping that it would get her out into the world again.

My mother was the strongest woman I knew. She was an Army wife, with my dad serving in Viet Nam early in their marriage and Korea shortly after I was born. I couldn't imagine being a new wife, without my husband or a new mom, alone.

She was mother to two daughters. Two daughters who fought like cats and dogs. (Still do, on occassion) But she was the peace-keeper and the disciplinarian. There was the standard "wait til your father gets home" threat, but we knew who the real punishment came from. You did *not* want to get on Mom's bad side. But, at the same time, she was the most fair person I've ever met. I spent a lot of time grounded as a teenager.....not because my mother was mean, but because I thought rules didn't apply to me. And when Mom was at the end of her rope with me, I would screw up again and somehow, she would find more rope. I'm hoping to glean the slightest bit of her patience when it comes to dealing with Diana, who's such a mini-me it's not even funny.

She was grandmother to four grandchildren. Charlene came a bit earlier than anyone anticipates becoming a grandmother, but she loved that kid like one of her own. Not saying my sister isn't an awesome mom, but there's only so much a 17 year old kid can do. And she worked with mom to raise Char in unison, most of the time. Yes, there were some squabbles, but it was all in the sake of looking out for Char. Char and Mom had a very special, very unique connection, and I'm worried what Mom's passing will do to Char emotionally. The kid's been thru a lot, and I'm hoping that she can get thru this easily.

Toria made Mom so proud on so many occassions. She excels academically, and Mom would tell me the stories on the phone and she would just beam with pride. Toria has dealt with a lot of crud in her young life, with her parent's divorce and her Dad just being immature. She's tough though, and getting thru it. She is one strong kid, and I think she gets a lot of that from her mom, which is a reflection of my mom.

Jaimison is the grandson. Finally, a boy! I know Mom didn't get to play with him as much as she would have liked because of her pain, and Jaimison being all boy and wanting to play rough, but he has such a sweet, soft side of him too. It was so adorable to see him switch into gentle-mode to give Grandma a hug. Being 5 years old, I'm not sure how much he's going to grasp. It's going to be hard for him to go to Grandpa's house and not run into Grandma's room for a granola bar or other yummy treats she always had available.

And then there's Diana. The long-distance grandchild. I lived away from my grandparents for a few years while we lived in Germany, so I know it's difficult to make that connection. But, after Diana was born, Mom came to stay with us for a few weeks, to help the "new mom." She had already lost a lot of range-of-motion in her shoulders by that point, so she couldn't hold Diana as much as she would have liked, but she was always there with her soothing voice and loving touch. Diana's a shy kid at times, so she would have to re-learn Grandma and Grandpa when we would go back to Rochester to visit. But, she loved her Grandma. Mom had a little tea set that she would play with Diana. And, for some reason, Mom would save Diana a bunch of greeting cards. When we'd go home to visit, Diana would come home with a stack of cards, sometimes up to 30 cards! We find them all over the house because Diana loves to play mailman. She certainly hasn't grasped what's going on, but I keep telling her that Grandma's an angel know, and she's living in Heaven with Barney (which is funny cuz my mom wasn't a fan of pets)

She was a cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in Feb 2001, a month before my wedding. And, in perfect multi-task mode, mom said she would have her surgery in May, after the wedding and her move (Mom and Dad moved out of their house in April) ...The doctor said, "no, you're having surgery in 2 days" ....and she got thru it in flying colors and was able to attend my wedding. Strongest woman ever, I tell ya!

She was active in her "newly" adopted church. She stopped going to Catholic church soon after I got married, and started attending the church my sister went to, Community Christian Church. Man, if any church lives up to their name, it's this church. There is such a sense of community within the church members there, it's amazing. Although Jay and I aren't official members of the church, we're "extended family," if you will. My mom loved this church and made a lot of friends in her years there. She was very active in church groups when she was still mobile, and I know she was sorely missed from her groups when her health started to diminish. Our pastor, LeeAnn is an amazing woman and was with Mom in the hospital for a bit. She led us in prayer in Mom's last hour, and although Mom couldn't communicate, I know she heard LeeAnn and gained strength in her words.

She was a great mom, a great friend and a wonderful Grandma. I feel extremely lucky and blessed to have such an awesome Mom and role-model and know that she's watching over me now.

We're heading to Rochester later this morning to attend the memorial service at the church. It's going to be a long day. I've made peace with losing my mom because she's in a much better place. I cry out of selfishness, out of missing her and her not "being here" for me and my family. I cry out of joy because she's at peace now.

Goodbye were wonderful and I miss you already.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Get Your Geek On

So, as you may already know from my facebook/twitter/email blitz, Jay and I are starting a radio show on Sunday. 7pm - 9pm on

We're geeks (just clarifying that in case you hadn't already got that vibe from us) and now we get to take those geek talents and passions and put them to work!

Jay went to school for broadcasting, so he's pretty pumped about getting to combine his passions.....comic books/movies/tv and radio! Me? I'm a geek and I like to, um, yea....that's what I have to add to this venture!

We're taping the show on Thursday, since my work schedule doesn't allow me to do a live show this week. Jay's so cute, doing his homework....getting reviews ready, brushing up on geek-related news for the week. I'm also doing some homework; Jay's excited that I've actually gotten back in to reading a few comic books, so I can discuss them with a bit of knowledge.

Rob and Nickle were over tonight and there was some talk about getting Diana to "guest" on the show too. That would be the awesome. We'll have to play that one by ear though. I suggested that we tape her "bathtime conversations" because she seems to have some pretty detailed ideas while playing in the bath (Jay's blog about the tv show she wants to make with Becca, Spiderman, Iron Man and Chewbacca, for example)

For the next few days, I'll have my nose in a comic book or a notebook jotting my thoughts, in preparation for the show. This is going to be quite exciting.

Until later,

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Just finished baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies to mark Diana's first day of school. It's a very 50's home-maker thing to do, I know, but it's something my mom always did for my sister and me. Funny enough, I had it planned for a while now....and Facebook'd back and forth with my sister and she was doing the same thing for her kids. Looks like some things stuck, Mom. Good job!

What other traditions will we carry on? Which ones will we start? Tomorrow's a big day. First day of school for the Yamster. She doesn't realize it yet, but this is HUGE. From not wanting kids, to going to her first day of school with her....yikes!

Everyone keeps wanting us to have more. My answer to that.....awwww hellz no! We lucked out with a great reason to press our luck! :D Yes, I had a younger sister and......I wouldn't have it any other way **NOW** ...but as kids, we fought like cats and dogs. I don't know how my mother put up with that stress and there's no way I want to add it to my life!

So, Diana was off to bed early tonight. A few tears, but she managed to pass out early enough. Hopefully, with school only being 45 minutes tomorrow, it's not a screaming match to get her to leave!

I'll keep you posted, oh wonderful blog! :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

can I really send her to school?

As we were getting ready to go to Glenda's on Tuesday, Diana went thru her regular ritual of "I need to bring something with me." Usually it's a couple of stuffed animals. Not too many things, Glenda has *plenty* of toys for the kids. But, I can understand Diana wanting to have something of her own with her, and she loves showing her toys to Glenda.

So, this particular day, she chose her Gund teddy bear and just needed to find a second item. And she picked this:

Yes, Mr Hankey, the Christmas Poo. Our lovely and dear friend Mike gifted the Stewarts with a plush Mr Hankey for Christmas last year. Diana loves it, but it's definitely a "stays in the house toy" ...and I don't think we've explained exactly what it is to her. She just enjoys his happy face and Santa hat.

So here I am, explaining that maybe it's not a good idea to bring Mr Hankey to Glenda's without trying to make a big deal that he's a Poo! I can just see the other kids asking Diana why she's playing with Poo. Ugh....

Yesterday, Diana comes in my room and wants to do shadow I have no problem with this! I was finishing getting dressed and she was keeping herself amused. Then she tells me....I know how to make an apple! Neat! Until she shows me...

Well, this is a bunny (Thank God!) ...but an apple is *very* similar, but without the pointer finger! Um, yea, just a fist with a middle finger sticking up for the stem! Nice!

Oh's 6 days away......what else is she going to think up?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

oh Blog

Yea, so I wrote that last entry and never posted it...I suck :P

Anyway...Jay and Russell ended up going to the con and having a great time with Nickle, Rob, Rachel and Forch. More on that on Jay's blog.

But, I didn't get my clearning-out-Diana's-clothes plan completed because I sent to my sister-in-law's instead....and had FUN!! :D I love just hanging out at Su's and chatting. We dont' really get to see each other as much as I like due to my crappy work hours and how "far" it is between houses. She lives not far from my work, but it's a 15-20 minute commute. Not bad at all, but on the days I don't go to work, I relish not using up gas....I know, crazy. But, that said, it's totally worth it to see my sistah! We're a lot alike, and a lot different. It's a pretty good mix, I think, of complimentary styles. :D And she makes some kick-ass cafe mocha, so no complaints here!! hehehe

Sunday we were back to Su's because Russell ended up sleeping over Saturday night too (after getting back late Saturday night)....more fun! Seriously, we need to get together more often. We always say it, but it's true.

Ok, off to eat some dinner.....and maybe I'll blog later :P

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I wrote this Aug 27, but didn't publish it....I suck :P

Jay and I look forward to FanExpo every year. It's the time of the year that our inner-geek really shines. FanExpo is this weekend in Toronto. Can't believe it's been a year since the last one.

Sadly, I won't be attending this year. For one, and I don't know if you know this, but I'm fat. Fat really isn't a reason to miss the Con (have you seen the attendees?) ...but, with being fat, means my knee and back are really not happy with me. Carrying this extra weight, especially in the "how-do-you-say....GUT area" wreaks havoc on my lower back. And, my knee doesn't like me much walking around the convention center all day is probably not going to be a good idea. And, since admission is $25, I really don't want to pay that to sit in the cafeteria area (where the only chairs are) all day. So, I'll be staying home with Diana this year. She was a bit heartbroken she wasn't going, but as an active 4-year old, there's only so many geek-asses she can look at before wanting to break free. Home's probably a good idea for her this year too. Maybe we'll do some sort of super-hero craft! What we really need to do is get thru all of her clothes to figure out what fits, what doesn't, and what she needs before school starts in 13 days!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

road trip!

So, took a trip to Rochester yesterday to retrieve some packages for my friend Brad. Cheaper to ship to the, off to my sister's they went!

Brought the kid and Nickle...good times. It was too bad that Jay couldn't go, but Nickle and I made the best of it. Hot sun while waiting at the border, pizza slices larger than our head at the thruway stop, quick stop at my sister's to pick up the packages, then off to my mom and dad's for a bit.

My parents amuse me. They really do. We walk in, and there's Dad in the living room, listening to his digital music channel on his TV, folding church bulletins. He sets up his card table, has his "cover" and "inserts" piles, and folds away. The man's worked consistently since before he was 18 (lied about his age so he could enter the Army) and even in retirement, can't slow down! Love him!

Had to make a potty break as soon as we got there. With a 4-year old, potty breaks are a regular occurance anyway. So, off to Grandpa's bathroom to potty. My dad is 6'6" and has a "tall" toilet. The old knees aren't as good as they once were, so he opted for a taller toilet. It's really kinda funny to sit on, cuz your brain is conditioned to sit lower while doing your do, but you're stopped mid-sit. Anywho....hoisted the kid on the pot, she did her do, then she went to jump down. Now, on our "normal people" toilets at home, jumping down is not a big feat. However, from Grandpa's royal throne, she wasn't used to the difference and almost fell on her face, literally. It was pretty amusing to witness; Diana laughed too.

Meanwhile, while we were in the bathroom, my mom started calling to us. She came into the living room/dining room area and we chatted for a bit. We were going to get going because we still had a few stops to make (WalMart, Target, Aldi, Wegmans) so, Nickle headed to my dad's bathroom and I headed to my mom's before we took off. So, since I had gone into my mom's room, the gang followed (gang being Diana and Mom) ....and my mom started offering us afghans. Yes, homemade crocheted blankets. Mom likes to keep her hands busy too, and since she's pretty limited mobility-wise, she sits in her room and crochets while watching her documentaries and shows. The thing is, she's just making these blankets, with no real purpose, except to keep busy. So, they're piling up....and up....and up. She kept offering Nicole baby blankets. Really Mom? I ended up taking 4 blankets (one for a gift for someone) and I'm not sure how many Nicole took. Mom was just happy to have more room to make more blankets. She's such an odd duck! :P Then, I saw the pile of granola bars and offered one to Nicole. She politely said "I'm not taking your mom's granola bars!" and I explained....yes you are. One S'mores granola bar for Nickle, one rainbow rice krispie treat for Diana, six packages of shortbread cookies for Jay and a bag of single-serving size packages of beef jerky later, we were off to the car. My mom stock-piles food for the grandkids in her room, then when we visit, we "shop" in her room! lol

Off to the WalMart by mom's house, then to Aldi's. We were going to go to Wegmans Lyell Ave, but they were paving in the parking lot. Now, that's normally not an issue...they weren't totally closed or anything, you just had to park on the other half of the lot. But, I really don't like the new layout and didn't feel like fighting for half the normal number of spaces, so we just took off for the Falls to shop at our regular store on Military Road.

Went to Target first...always a fun trip! Love Target. Diana got new Hello Kitty, Spiderman and Iron Man socks and Spiderman story books. Halloween candy is also starting to appear in the stores! Yikes!!

Then to Wegmans. Unfortunately, no pretzel buns in stock :( Sorry Nickle....they are delish! Then after shopping, back home. It was a long day, but a good time.

Today was my second day of my "weekend" ...and tomorrow starts a 6-day stretch before having 3 days off. It's gonna feel long, I just know it.

Well, off to watch Big Brother and eat some lasagna for din-din!

Til later...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Is today a rainbow day?

Yesterday, on our way home from work/Glenda's, Diana and I saw a rainbow. I think it was the first one she's ever seen. I even pulled over to the side of the road (safety first!) so we could admire it. Unfortunately, I had no camera on me :( ....but, on Facebook, later that evening, my friend Dan posted pictures of the rainbow! Turns out, he was in the area right around the same time! Neat!

Today, when Diana woke up, she asked if today was going to be a rainbow day too. I thought that was such a cool idea....will today be your rainbow day?

She's been obessively drawing rainbows last night and today....and she's using mommy's markers to do so.

the first one is the Stewart Family (I'm the purple one) and a rainbow. She wrote her own name on top too!

The second one is pink hearts, Smoky (Glenda and Jen's gray cat) and Hesh (our orange cat). Hesh has 4 legs...she counted as he walked by and made sure her picture was accurate.

She was so shocked and amazed when I put her notebook on the scanner, and then the pictures showed up on the computer! Ah, technology, you are amazing....and computers work by magic!! :D

In other news, Jay's best friend is in Canada for a bit, so Jay's going to get to see him for the first time in 10 years. I have yet to meet him, so I'm quite excited. Scott has already warned Jay that he needs to approve of me first. (Too funny, since my best friend said the same thing about Jay....and she met him on our wedding day!)

So, we're going to a barbecue at Su's house tomorrow and then Scott, Miriam and the girls will be over Friday to visit as well. I have to work Friday, but I'm excited to meet the Hieberts tomorrow! It's going to be funny hearing all their stories (again)!!

Anyone looking for a mountain bike? I currently have one for sale on kijiji :) I don't use it, and it's just taking up space in the basement. So, might as well make some cash.

Well, that's all I've got for now....I really need to start baking/cooking for tomorrow and Friday. Oh motivation, where are you? Oh yea, it's my day off and you're not around!

Til later....

Monday, August 3, 2009

So much for "regular blogging"

I'm tryin' :D

Meanwhile, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things....The Stewart family had a rough couple of days; all is good now. No worries, we're all safe and sound.

Why is it, when I'm out shopping with Nickle, time flies quick. Like quicker than it takes you to read this sentence. No, quicker. When I'm at work, not so much. I know, I know "Time flies when you're having fun," but seriously, it's ridiculous how much fun that girl and I have together, and before you know it, it's 1:30 in the morning and you're unpacking groceries from the van. Crazy!

Jay and I got to see "Funny People" Sunday thanks to my awesome sales ability and the reward program we have at work. You get "points" for each sale, and when you rack up enough points, you can "buy" an AmEx gift card. The catch: the card is only good at particular stores. No harm; Old Navy, The Children's Place and The Pen Centre cinemas are on the list! W00Hoo! Thank God for that card though, cuz a ticket at The Pen is $10! What the crap? We didn't even buy concessions...just 2 tickets....$19 and change! That's crazy talk!

Anyway....the movie was awesome. Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, a Judd Apatow script...seriously, how can you go wrong?? The only thing better would have been the realization of the rumour that Bruce Springsteen was also going to be in the movie. And Paul Reiser made a quick cameo, but man, he's looking old. And why is it that I've seen 4 movies this year, and 50% of them have had Eric Bana in them? lol! Remember the show "What's Happenin'?" Well, Roger "Raj" Thomas (Ernest Thomas) was in the movie too! My first Raj movie!

Jay's friend Scott is coming into town next I **finally** get to meet the third amigo after 10 years! Can't wait! I'v heard all Jay's stories before, but it'll be neat to get a new perspective...and with a British accent to boot!

Guess that's all I have for now...

Til later...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

OMG seriously? Twice in one week?

So, I really want to become a more regular blogger, because I enjoy reading other people's blogs daily. But, as I've said, nothing happens in my life! I'm in a quandary! hahaha

Being Thursday, and I'm working nights this week, we made our weekly trip to the comic book store today. Ah, the haven for nerds. If you ever think that your job is horrible and your customers are the bane of your existence, please try putting yourself in my friend Bev's shoes. Bev works at the comic book store, and although she has a vast knowledge of comic books, she has to put up with the Crème de la Crème of geekdom. Her stories always amuse me and make Jay feel better about his comic book passion, because he's not "as bad as that guy." 

Jay and Diana make their weekly trip to McDonalds so Diana can enjoy an ice cream sundae and Jay gets his giant soda. Their trip almost didn't happen today because of the never-ending rain of Niagara Summer '09, but they were able to make it there and back without getting drenched. Huzzah! Thursdays and Fridays are rough days at work for me, because my family is home...and I want to be too!

This weekend is Jay's birthday. We don't have any plans, per his request, because this is a big one. But, he has requested a cake, so there will be cake in his future for the weekend. He's been doing so great low-carbing this summer, he deserves a treat! So, vanilla cake with buttercream frosting, it is!!

Speaking of low-carbing, I'm giving it another go. I seem to be a little more motivated this wish me luck! Do it! Wish it!! hahaha

Not much else going on. As usual!

So, until next time...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Mid July, and another blog post? For reals?

Hey ya be?

So, I don't blog regularly because nothing really changes in my life. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. 

I like my boring life. I wake up, I go to work, I go home, I hang with the fam, I fall asleep. Not a bad life, I must say.

I started a new online job this weekend....I'm a kgb agent :), check it out. It's basically a service that you can text message any question, and home agents, like myself, will answer you! It's 99 cents per text. I get paid less than do the math. Yea, I ain't leaving my day job anytime soon. But, it's really interesting to see what people write in with. Hopefully I can put some money away for christmas! The cool part is, it's direct deposited into my U.S. bank account...and I don't even have a bank card for that account anymore....forced savings!

Guess that's about it....I tell ya, my life's boring :) And I like it that way, thank you very much!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy July-whatever weekend

So, here it is, July 3 and I'm not scheduled to work. Why is that, you ask? Because the geniuses behind scheduling -on the client-side of things- decided that the holiday should be observed on Friday instead of the actual day, tomorrow. What does this mean? Well, from what I can determine:

* people will call in for tech support today, and get a recording that we're closed
* we're working tomorrow....but who's calling on the Fourth-of-Freakin-July to troubleshoot their computer?
* most people don't know we're open on Sunday
* Monday's gonna be a bitch

So, aside from being a goof and saying "oh, real cool....the AMERICAN's working on the Fourth!" ....I'm really kinda laughing on the inside, because I have Monday and Tuesday off! Bitchez!!

That said, my job is **not** bad.....especially compared to my husband's job (if you don't read his blog, I highly recommend it...and he blogs more frequently than me!)

Other than that...what else is up?

Cross-border shopping is not the same without Jay, but I'm having an awesome time crossing the border with Nickle in the meantime. Will we ever ever ever run out of conversation topics? Doubt it!

Well, the kid just woke up....and brought down her poodle purse. Thanks Grandma for the huge pink poodle purse. She puts a bunch of stuffed animals in there and walks around the house with it. Oh, too bad the stores don't allow you to bring in dogs :( Guess the poodle will have to stay home whilst we go run errands. :P

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wow! Long time, no blog!

Over a month! Whatcha been? Busy?

Nope, just the opposite. Leading my same ol' life day-by-day! Nothing really exciting to blog about, I guess.

Work's the same, home's the same....getting ready for Diana to start Jr Kindergarten in the fall. Nothing new, nothing exciting. How boring :P

Oh, and countin' down to the Fan Expo at the end of August. Hoping my knee's not too bad that day and I can enjoy the craziness that is ComicCon! lol

So, what else is new?
Um, I got EA Sports Active and love it. I haven't used it in the last couple weeks or so cuz the knee was pretty bad, and running/jumping probably isn't the best thing in the world for it. But, I will get back into it soon....maybe tonight!

Jay can't cross the border currently, because he lacks a passport. So, hopefully we'll have some extra cash soon so we can get his passport and he can join me again in cross-border shopping! Oh, and visiting my fam! lol

Had a flat tire on the way to work last week. Only sucky part was that Diana was in the car with me too. We were both safe, I was able to pull over to the side of the road without incident. It was just more inconvenient than anything. But, safe and sound with new tires on the van.

Went to the drive-in last night. It was absolutely pouring out when we left the house, but Jay assured me it would clear up. Still pouring as we stopped at 7-11 to fill up the Big Gulp cups. Still pouring as I'm driving out there. My wipers suck, btw. So, we get there and it's still raining. We et to our parking spot, and the rain stops! Not a drop during both movies! Jay is awesome...he can even control the weather!!

Diana was really good during the first movie, UP. It was awesome. The second movie, Land of the Lost was also awesome, but I have a mad crush on Will Ferrell. Diana wasn't as interested in it (surprise) but she was still really good. Maybe we'll try the drive in again this summer (depending on what movies they pair up!)

Oh, and my new obsession....LEGO Indiana Jones for the Wii. IS possible to lose 3-5 hours while playing that game! What? There's a part 2 coming out in September? Awesome!

Guess that's it for now....Jay will be home soon and we have some tv, and maybe LEGO Indy, to catch up on!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Can I just get an Iced Coffee? Jeesh!

So while running our errands today, I wanted one last Time Horton's Iced Coffee. Why last? Well, "the diet" officially starts tomorrow....

But anyway, I went thru the Timmies drive thru and ordered my usual "one large iced coffee" and the voice in the little box said "oh, sorry, we're out of the vanilla base....i can get you an iced cap though, if you want" Um, really not in the mood for an iced cap, so I declined. However, I was still stuck in the drive-thru line, behind 3 other cars. Boo!

We were in the middle of our errands, so we stopped home to put groceries away, potty break for the trained Miss Diana, and then back out again. Stopped at the Timmies by our house. Ordered my drink, the speakerbox said "$2.09, please drive thru" and I threw up a thumbs-up. Woo....or so I thought

Got to the window and the clerk tells me that they're cleaning the machine, so the Iced Coffee would actually be warm. But, she can give me an Iced Cap for the same price. No thank you....and I drive off.

I'm being Iced Coffee-Blocked at Tim Hortons.

Off to the third Timmies (Thank goodness I live in Canada)....I placed my order. Drove up to the window and the clerk said "$1.45" and there was a hot coffee waiting. I reminded her, I wanted an Iced Coffee ...."oh yea, I forgot to ring it up" (what?) ....but....after a moments wait, I had a nice, delicious Iced Coffee in my clutches.

I'll miss you Iced were yummo while I knew ye!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm simple....

So, I watched the season finale of LOST last night and came to one conclusion. No spoilers here...don't worry if you haven't watched it yet!

I'm simple. I do not understand symbolism *at all*

For those of you who don't watch LOST, or for those of you who haven't had time to digest everything, I'm not going to blog about the intricacies of each detail of the episode. What I am going to blog about is how simple I am.

Ok, in simpe terms: if you tell me that my cat is orange, I will believe that my cat is orange. Yup, right there in the kitchen, one orange cat. I do not, however, see "... a symbol for survivors. He has managed to escape many calamities throughout the story. He escaped the intended drowning the captain had planned for all the cats, he lived in the ghost house without incident, he escaped capture when they tried to gather up all the cats to give them away, and he survived the hurricane, which few cats managed to do." (*From "Jacob I Have Loved" thank you Google!)

I've always been like this. I remember having discussions with my mother after watching movies and how we must have missed something important because we just do not understand symbolism. Ugh, English class, all coming back now.

Thankfully, in 2009, I have the interwebs to help me. I watched LOST last night. I was entertained. I sat on the edge of my couch at the end for the "WTF moment" and wondered how I was going to manage until the next season in 2010. I went to bed, satisfied that I had just seen the finale and understood most of it (those writers, they're tricky). Woke up this morning to read some online reviews of the episode and it's all symbolism. Yes, a lot more of it makes sense now that someone has drawn me a road-map. I'm just too simple for LOST I guess.

Oh well, I still heart Hurley! :D Yes, Hurley. The fictional character. I also heart Jorge Garcia, who plays Hurley, but I heart Hurley a bit more .....I am so simple!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday Funday!

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mommies out there!! This includes my friends who are Mommies to 4-legged babies too!!! :D

I had an awesome Mother's Day....went to see Star Trek!!! w00t! I <3 Zachary Quinto so very much! And, the new Capt. Kirk, Chris Pine....not too shabby either! And his dad was on CHiPs, so he can't be all that bad!!

We went to Pizza Hut after to hang out with Andrea, Matt and Mike! Finally exchange Christmas presents with Mike...Yes, Christmas 2008 presents. Only sucky part: I got Mike a calendar :( boo!

I'm on vacation this week....looking forward to just doing nothing for a week. Oh, and finishing the potty training. Diana wore her big-girl underware today and did awesome!! Dry all day! w00t!!

Can't think of any funny Diana conversations, but I'll post 'em as they come up!

Til later....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bonus Thursday Post!

So, had to post this, cuz it was funny. And, Sunday did not include a "conversations with Diana" section.

Jay was getting Diana a drink, and said "Give me five!"
Diana started walking around the circle in our, living room, hallway, by the front door, kitchen...and around and around...while singing the following list...

give me an orange
give me a penny
give me a donut
give me a popsicle
give me a scrapbook
give me a cape
give me cream
give me a pretend donut
give me a balloon
give me a marker
give me a wall
give me a stick
give me everything, everything, everything

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday! Time for a blog update!

So, the whole "Bullet Sunday" thing was stolen from a blogger who actually blogs multiple times in a week. Me? Not so much. So, instead of being a "Bullet Sunday" about just a "wow! You actually blogged again" Sunday!


I'm watching the Ellen Degeneres special "Here and Now" for the billionth time. Man, that lady is hillarious! I've loved her since the mid-80s when I caught her as part of the "Women of the Night" HBO special. Hollie and I used to quote that special TO DEATH. Sorry if we knew you then; I'm sure we annoyed you with our "Suffa Pope" line (although that was a Judy Tenuta quote!)

- Saw Wolverine today. It was pretty good! Dont' believe the haters! :D Oh, and have you seen how hot Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds are? Now, put them together! There's a sandwich I'd like to be in (yea, I totally went there!)

- We got a new addition to our family this week. Our friend Suzy moved to a new place, and couldn't take her orange cat Merlin, we now have a 5-year old orange cat too! Hesh, not a fan yet. Merlin, the scardiest cat I've ever met. So, this is gonna be interesting! But, he's a real sweetheart and the fattest cat ever. I think he's even bigger than my sil's jack russell! But, that could just be my mind playing tricks on me.

- I wish the scheduling at work was done differently. I'm not asking for the responsibility; I'm sure it can't be easy. But, how hard is it to give someone a day off when they're already allowed to have 2 days off a week? I needed a Sunday off for Diana's birthday party....and I'm scheduled to work 1:30-9:30. Really? And of the 6 PC's in our department....4 of them have it off? Really? Oh least I work with cool people and hope to be able to swap my shift with one of them. Crikey! :D

Wow...this is a lot of writing! I should stop soon. I have to watch last week's Desperate Housewives before this week's is on!

Until Sunday perhaps?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bullet Sunday #4

w00t! Three weeks in a row there no stopping me? lol

And on to another Bullet Sunday....

- Might have to start a new feature on the blog called "Actual Conversation with Diana." This week's installment:
  • D: There's something brown on my bed
  • K: What is it?
  • {smell wafts into the room}
  • K: Diana, is it poo?
  • D: I dunno, maybe?
- The warm weather is making a lot of people Just getting cranky. I don't like the heat. I like the "no jacket" weather, but not when my house is 80 degrees. It's gonna be a long, whiney summer folks!

- The warm weather does mean that the grill is back, baby! Yay!

- I watch way too much tv. When I spend a good portion of my day off trying to catch up on dvr'd shows, it should make a dent in the percentage of used-up hard drive on said dvr. Not so....cuz I tape 'em as fast as I watch 'em folks!

- I really need to stop referring to my friends/blog followers as folks. Indeedy, I do.

- I love shopping at Wegmans. It really makes me happy happy happy.

- Twitter is fun. Yes, I'm a twit.

Guess that's about it for now.....yea, it's not an exciting life! But, it's mine!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bullet Sunday #3

Yea! 2 in a row, baby!

- Actual converstion with Diana:
  • D: I want eggs for breakfast
  • K: Ok, do you want scrambled eggs or microwave eggs?
  • D: No, I want chocolate eggs!
- Susan Boyle's voice is amazing!

- Cupcakes made with Cadbury Creme Eggs in the center sound better than they are :( Disappointing :(

- Dave from Blogography replied to a Tweet I sent him and it sent me over the moon. Yes, 572 tweet-followers makes you more than a celebrity in my books!

- Getting used to working days again...waking up early sucks!

- I made tacos for dinner, but got mad when my "stand up tacos" fell over. Then, I didn't eat the rest of them. That'll show 'em...stoopid tacos.

- I need a portable computer! hehehe

Guess that's it for now....
Thanks for listening!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bullet Sunday #2

- yea, bullets don't make me blog any more than usual....actually, it turns out to be less :( easter resolution; i will try to blog more

- fun day with mum, joe, su, russell, devon, jay and diana. not too much drama....pretty good for us for a holiday!

- i miss my wacky brother-in-law; just hearing him beep in at one point on the cell phone made me sad that he's not around for family-fun-time

- ok, for reals, the diet must start. this is getting ridiculous!

- i love my husband more and more every day, even if i don't show it. who else would put up with my cranky attitude for 10+ years?

- weekends go by way too fast :(

- i had fun coloring with my new crayons today....and posted my artwork on my mother-in-law's fridge :D

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bullet Sunday #1
(an idea I'm totally stealing from Dave at

- my daughter is quite passive aggressive, even if she doesn't know it
- exercise hurts
- whopper cake is a great invention
- working on a Sunday is fun; no really, it is
- my husband is awesome
- WalMart is a great place to catch up with old friends and family
- I'm an idiot when it comes to knowing what my work and home schedules are

Friday, February 27, 2009

so i'm guessing this blogging thing isn't going to be every day, although i check other people's pretty regularly and get mad when it's not updated (*cough* hypocrite *cough*) hahaha

not too much going on....except a bad back that's really making me angry. one minute, my back is fine, the next, pinched nerve and i'm walking like my dear great-aunt mary, all hunched over and such. it truly does suck getting old!

so, last friday, i got an email from my bestest friend in ohio and we made a phone date....i called her saturday and we talked for 2 1/2 hours! i miss her so much. but, i was successful in my plan to get her to join facebook! yay me! it was sad talking to her, realizing that she bought her house in 2002, and i still haven't seen it! i don't like that life gets in the way of doing things! stoopid life!

work is's there, and i love the people i work with, but i know it's not what i want to do for the rest of my life. but, it's paying my bills (kinda) and there's no extra money to put towards what i want to do, which would include going back to school. even if i went for osap and such, what am i going to do with my kid in the meantime?

you know those people that say "i can't remember my life without kids?" well, i can! and i miss it! please do not misconstrue that statement into "i don't want my kid" because i love diana more than i thought i could love anyone and wouldn't change a thing....but i can vividly remember my life before her. maybe true, deep labour pains erase those memories or something, and since i didn't go into deep labour, those memories remain. hmmmm....maybe i'm on to something. like in the movie "men in black" when they use their little light-pen things to erase the person's memory...maybe that was supposed to happen!

again, i don't regret diana....i just remember a time without her. was it better? depends on your perspective. would i go back? nah, i like the kid...let's keep her around. :P i was never one of those people who said "i can't wait to have kids" ...i didn't want kids. ask around, my family and friends will vouche for me on that one. i actively tell my friends now "don't have kids...don't do it!" i am glad that i waited until i was deep into my 30s before i had her. i lived a fun life. regrets? i have a few....but it was fun. my fun and craziness led me to jay. mistake? i think not! i remember my life without jay...i thought i was happy back then. i can look back now and see that i really wasn't. did this get so deep? this has to stop! and i'm going to go watch the end of top chef now.... :P

til later....hopefully it won't be another 2 weeks!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th!

Today's friday the 13th. Not too exciting, just thought I would acknowledge it. Don't make a fuss, there's another one next month! :P

Sorry I haven't written much. Blogging has kind of made me realize that I don't really do much! lol

I did, however, join a "Biggest Loser" type challenge at work. Just weighed in Monday and we're going for 16 weeks...which will bring us to June 1. Honestly, I haven't done much in the way of "diet" this week. But, what I am trying to do is watch my portions. Hopefully I will see a bit of a change at the scales. Once I get my T4, and we get our taxes done, I'm getting an elliptical. I need to get moving, and that way I can exercise while still spending time at home...and not getting behind on Lost and the like!

I had a "short day" at work on Tuesday. In an effort to cut payroll without losing jobs, everyone loses 2 1/2 hours a week. Meh, it's better than looking for a job. So...feelin' fine, out of work when the sun is still out, get to spend some extra time with Diana, get dinner started well in advance of Jay coming home ....BAM...45 minutes later my sinuses are stuffed and I feel like hell. Wednesday wasn't much better at work. My customer's couldn't even understand me. Lovely. But, I got thru it! :D I'm such a trouper! lol

We went to Kindergarten open house last week. Diana's so excited to start school. She didn't want to leave. The teachers seemed nice...but young! omg...I'm such an old lady! It will be an adventure having a kid in school. Everyone keeps asking "when are you having another one?" thanks. She's a handful and I'm finally getting her off to school? Yea, I'm good. hahaha

I think that's about it for now......told you, I have a boring life!

Monday, January 26, 2009

3 days off and a lot of nothing accomplished!

So, I had a three-day weekend....and it was fabulous!

Friday we did our usual errands, then went to my sister-in-law's for dinner and some Wii (too much fun!!....want one so bad now!) and then I didn't leave my house until I had to come to work today! Glorious!

Yes, I'm lazy....and I love it!! I did manage to make a pot of chili and a pan of cornbread! Mmmmm....chili!! Delicious! So many beans; so wonderful!

Sunday was so cool....Rob & Nickle came over for a bit....then I got to enjoy in my family's new Sunday tradition.....Jay and Diana curled up on the couch with their bowls of popcorn and watching the new Batman cartoon. Oh, and don't forget Batman bear! And Hesh was in there too. What a family of nerds! :)

Ah, but Monday, had to go back to fun! lol

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hooray!!! New President and New Season of LOST!

What an awesome week, honestly!

I was enthralled by the Inauguration yesterday, even sitting at my desk and reading the text of President Obama's speech. And I'm not a fan of reading!!

And today, it's the premiere of Lost! yay!! I changed my desktop to the cast of Lost! I'm way too excited and counting down til I can go home and watch it!'s rough being a nerd!! 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day!!

Holy!! We're making history here, people!!

Just up early, watching the Today Show very excited.

Good Luck and God Bless, President Obama!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

dumb customers

Man, I love dumb customers. 

Dumb customers = job security

Yes, Mr are an idiot. 

But, you just keep calling me with your stupid questions and I'll answer with a sorta-smile.

Oh, and no pumpkin bread yet :( I'm lazy!

Monday, January 12, 2009

My baby is sick :(

Yes, my baby was sick today. Poor kid woke up with a swollen eye. I'm not a panicky kind of mom, but I had to get her to the doctor for this....didn't want to mess with her eyesight. 

We saw the doctor and Diana has a double ear infection. Poor baby :( She wasn't tugging at her ear (or her eye...can you tug an eye? whatever...) and she didn't even seem sick.

She's not a huge fan of I bribed her with some Smarties. Mom of the Year, I tell ya!

Hopefully she'll be better soon! 

Oh, and I didn't make that pumpkin bread yet either! hahaha!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Yea, never did get around to baking yesterday :( I'll have to make the pumpkin bread tonight, as I've promised it to my boss for Monday. Oh, why do I make promises?

Didn't really do much of anything yesterday, just hung out with the kid. She really is awesome. She's at an age where she can do a lot of things for herself, so she just goes to the computer, clicks on her bookmarks and starts playing her games (nick jr, pbs kids....stuff like that)

Jay came home from work and then we made tacos for dinner.....yummy, overstuffed tacos with refried beans, taco meat, salsa, sour cream and shredded cheddar. The stand-up kind of shells, so they hold a LOT more. And, we shoveled them down while watching "The Biggest Loser" ....yea, that's what I do, eat til I'm beyond full watching TBL, then cry my eyes out because these people are making great changes in their lives and I'm so happy for them. I'm such a nerd!

But, speaking of TBL and making changes, I have to do something! My 20-year high school reunion is coming up this year and I really don't want to waddle into the party. Ugh!

Enough with the sadness....on to happy, happy....yea....happy.....

It's that means 5 more days til my next day off!! And, I have baking to do tonight!! I love baking!! :D

Saturday, January 10, 2009

First post, hopefully of many

Yup, I'm gonna blog too.

Not sure what to blog about though...

Food? I love food! I love to cook, bake, eat. Food is awesome...and my enemy :( Makes me fat :( Stoopid food. lol

Work? I love my job....sometimes. I love the people I work with, that's for sure. But, it's called "work" for a reason, so it's not all fun and games. It's a lot of fun and games, but not all fun and games.

Family? I love my family. My husband is the best husband in the world. I'm not just writing that because he might read's the truth! And he's the best Daddy ever! I've never seen a more hands-on dad. Maybe it helps that we have the cutest kid ever! lol My daughter is awesome. She's 3 1/2 and just so smart and beautiful. I see the whole world as her oyster. Nobody can resist her charm! It's true! I'm not saying that she's the best kid in the world...she's still the typical 3 year old with her own ideas that don't necessarily match mine....we're two of the most stubborn people you'll meet. Makes for some fun mommy-daughter time, I tell you what!

I think that's all for now....I should be baking some pumpkin bread, maybe thinking of something to make for lunch or dinner. Maybe play with the kid for a bit. But, I should not be sitting on the computer for the day. Bets on how much I get done?? hahaha