So, took a trip to Rochester yesterday to retrieve some packages for my friend Brad. Cheaper to ship to the, off to my sister's they went!
Brought the kid and Nickle...good times. It was too bad that Jay couldn't go, but Nickle and I made the best of it. Hot sun while waiting at the border, pizza slices larger than our head at the thruway stop, quick stop at my sister's to pick up the packages, then off to my mom and dad's for a bit.
My parents amuse me. They really do. We walk in, and there's Dad in the living room, listening to his digital music channel on his TV, folding church bulletins. He sets up his card table, has his "cover" and "inserts" piles, and folds away. The man's worked consistently since before he was 18 (lied about his age so he could enter the Army) and even in retirement, can't slow down! Love him!
Had to make a potty break as soon as we got there. With a 4-year old, potty breaks are a regular occurance anyway. So, off to Grandpa's bathroom to potty. My dad is 6'6" and has a "tall" toilet. The old knees aren't as good as they once were, so he opted for a taller toilet. It's really kinda funny to sit on, cuz your brain is conditioned to sit lower while doing your do, but you're stopped mid-sit. Anywho....hoisted the kid on the pot, she did her do, then she went to jump down. Now, on our "normal people" toilets at home, jumping down is not a big feat. However, from Grandpa's royal throne, she wasn't used to the difference and almost fell on her face, literally. It was pretty amusing to witness; Diana laughed too.
Meanwhile, while we were in the bathroom, my mom started calling to us. She came into the living room/dining room area and we chatted for a bit. We were going to get going because we still had a few stops to make (WalMart, Target, Aldi, Wegmans) so, Nickle headed to my dad's bathroom and I headed to my mom's before we took off. So, since I had gone into my mom's room, the gang followed (gang being Diana and Mom) ....and my mom started offering us afghans. Yes, homemade crocheted blankets. Mom likes to keep her hands busy too, and since she's pretty limited mobility-wise, she sits in her room and crochets while watching her documentaries and shows. The thing is, she's just making these blankets, with no real purpose, except to keep busy. So, they're piling up....and up....and up. She kept offering Nicole baby blankets. Really Mom? I ended up taking 4 blankets (one for a gift for someone) and I'm not sure how many Nicole took. Mom was just happy to have more room to make more blankets. She's such an odd duck! :P Then, I saw the pile of granola bars and offered one to Nicole. She politely said "I'm not taking your mom's granola bars!" and I explained....yes you are. One S'mores granola bar for Nickle, one rainbow rice krispie treat for Diana, six packages of shortbread cookies for Jay and a bag of single-serving size packages of beef jerky later, we were off to the car. My mom stock-piles food for the grandkids in her room, then when we visit, we "shop" in her room! lol
Off to the WalMart by mom's house, then to Aldi's. We were going to go to Wegmans Lyell Ave, but they were paving in the parking lot. Now, that's normally not an issue...they weren't totally closed or anything, you just had to park on the other half of the lot. But, I really don't like the new layout and didn't feel like fighting for half the normal number of spaces, so we just took off for the Falls to shop at our regular store on Military Road.
Went to Target first...always a fun trip! Love Target. Diana got new Hello Kitty, Spiderman and Iron Man socks and Spiderman story books. Halloween candy is also starting to appear in the stores! Yikes!!
Then to Wegmans. Unfortunately, no pretzel buns in stock :( Sorry Nickle....they are delish! Then after shopping, back home. It was a long day, but a good time.
Today was my second day of my "weekend" ...and tomorrow starts a 6-day stretch before having 3 days off. It's gonna feel long, I just know it.
Well, off to watch Big Brother and eat some lasagna for din-din!
Til later...
it’s the little things.
4 days ago
your lasagna was delish
ReplyDeleteno pretzel buns is sad
can't wait for round 2
Oooh...If your mom wants to giveaway hand crocheted blankets, let me give you my! I adore them and can never afford to buy them. Lasagna does sound delish..dang, I'm hungry now, all this talk of lasagna and pretzel buns. Glad to see you post, hon!