Monday, January 18, 2010


Man, my sleep patterns are messed up. I can't stay awake for more than two hours after I get home from work, bu then I wake up at four in the morning bright eyed and bushy-tailed. What the what? Then I'll be up for a few hours, alone and silent in the house, only to fall back to sleep 20 minutes before the alarm goes off. Good times.

I know it all goes back to my lifestyle and health. Boo for interconnected reasoning!! :P

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Friday, January 15, 2010


Yes, I live in the Great White North. Yes, I am aware that snow pants exist. I don't ski. I barely go outside if it's snowing, so I didn't think anyone in my family needed said pants. I was mistaken. Apparently, my kid is expected to go outside for recess. In January. In Canada. So, even though I drive her to and from school everyday and she's outside for maybe a total of three minutes, we have to get her snowpants.

Well, I live in Canada. Snowpants should be as plentiful as maple syrup and beaver pelts. (I've never seen a beaver just sounded so beautifully stereotypical.) Word to the wise: do not expect to find snowpants in stores in January. Want a bathing suit? January's your time to buy!! Snowpants, in the first month of the season to have snow? Nice try.

Thanks to our awesome friends Rahel, John, Nick & Becca for the gift of hand-me-downs. Now my daughter will be able to make snow-angels with the rest of the little Canuck kids.


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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Top chef masters

I'm finally getting around to watching Top Chef Masters on the dvr. I have two episodes taped and am currently watching the first one. Man, I know I can cook, but these guys are phenominal (hey iPod, did I spell that right?) They're each competing to win for a charity, so I don't know who to root for, but I'm just amazed. The challenge they're working on is to cook a three-course meal in a dorm room with a hot plate, microwave and toaster oven. Hmmmm, I've never seen a dorm room with Calphalon pots and pans, I'm just sayin' lol. The food they put out was exceptional ... Not just ramen noodles and English muffin pizzas!!

Seriously, I kinda feel like I never have the excuse to say "there's nothing for me to cook in this house" lol

In a weird coincidence, I was looking thru old magazines that somehow got buried in my desk drawer at work. There was a recent copy of Martha Stewart's Everyday Food magazine about comfort food. There were delicious looking chicken pot pies on the cover and yummy soups and such in the magazine. Back in the day, when I was uber-serious about lo-carbing (oh inspiration, come back to me!!) I was part of a recipe challenge group to try three new recipes a week. Sometimes it was quite a challenge, but it got me out of my menu rut. I don't know if I can manage three recipes a week, but I do look forward to trying some new recipes soon. There was a recipe for a white chicken chili in a Canadian Living magazine that I'm really wanting to try next time I go grocery shopping!

Wish me luck in my culinary endeavors hehehe

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Grillin' in the snow

I offered to make Jay some chicken for his lunch today, so I grilled it outside. It was nice enough out today, well at 10:00 this morning, at least, so I decided to clean the snow off the grill and have at it. Do you know how nice it was to go outside and smell chicken grilling? Yummo

Then I got to work and it started snowing again. I thought I could appease the gods of spring with the smell of grilled chicken, begging them to show their faces early, but it wasn't meant to be. Maybe next time.

Work's really been dragging these last few days. The paycheck's going to be pretty, but working 9 days in a row is not fun. I just have to get thru Tuesday and hen enjoy two days off of doing nothing. Well, preparing for Sunday's show. Yay for the show!!

Ok, gotta finish watching Chuck, LOST and Heroes. It's a good time to be a Geek!!!

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

What an awesome Geek day

Got up early this morning to head over to the TrainRek studio to record Get Your Geek On cuz I had to work my "day job" tonight (insert "boo"here, but it pays the bills, I suppose). Man, I love the radio show. I have so much fun preparing for it, recording it and chatting with friends about it.

In further Geekiness, watching the season premiere of Chuck tonight. Le w00t indeed!!

Jay and I collaborated on some ideas for upcoming GYGO shows, so I'm really excited to see those come together in the next few weeks.

Ok, gonna go pay attention to Chuck now :)

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Thursday, January 7, 2010


I finished my twelve and a half hour shift today ... And lived to tell about it! Truth be told, it wasn't that bad. But, shhh, don't tell anyone - especially management! Hahaha

It kinda sucked not seeing Jay and Diana for the day though. And, because I signed up for an extra four hours on Saturday, I actually don't have a day off til next Wednesday. Oh well. The paycheck will be nice ... Too bad it's already spoken for :(

Meanwhile, still have to get ready for Sunday's show. We have to tape Sunday morning because I'm working Sunday night. Stoopid day job that I actually work nights. Lol

I had a talk with my friend T at work today about diet and exercise. He agreed with me that you really just need to be mentally prepared before you start anything like that and I told him, "I don't know why I have such an 'I don't care' attitude about my health lately". Honestly, it doesn't make much sense. I know what needs to be done, but I'm refusing to do it. How dumb can you get? Oh well, maybe 2010 is the year I smarten up. Maybe

Til later,

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Long day ahead...not excited

Tomorrow I'm working an uber-long shift and I'm not looking forward to it. I signed up for extra hours, but now I just realize that I'm crazy. So, now I'm stuck working 9am to 9:30pm. Cripes!

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Big fat loser

I'm sitting here watching the season premiere of Biggest Loser, bawling my eyes out. I cry every season, every episode. I'm so jealous of the contestants and the opportunity they've been given. Do I need a tv show to lose weight? No, I honestly don't. I've lost weight before and I wasn't on a tv show. I also didn't have a kid to take care of. I'm not blaming my current condition on my kid in any way, shape, or form ... But if I was given the opportunity to go to the ranch, not have to worry about my family or my job and just work on ME, I think I could kick some major arse!!

But, alas, back to the real world. I will have to work on this on my own. I had a talk with my boss tonight and he said he worries about me because of my weight ... I've worked with the guy for three years and have restarted diet after diet countless times while I've known him. You'd think my mother's recent passing because of diabetes complications and my family's history of heart disease and the like would kick me into gear. For some reason, mentally I'm not there yet. I don't get it.

So, I'll continue to watch Biggest Loser and hope inspiration is around the corner.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nice and geeky

So I'm sitting here with JStew watching this week's episode of Heroes, and my favourite characters, Hiro and Ando are just absolutely awesome this week. Unfortunately, Hiro's character has a brain tumor. It's caused him to go a little wonky. He thinks he's Don Quixote, and he keeps making references to Arkham, Jedi, Curt Connors, Caprica, Cylons, the X-Mansion and Communicators. I'm such a huge geek that I'm following the conversation without a problem. Ando's putting the clues together to figure out what Hiro's real meaning is. Sorry, just a cute geek moment and I had to share!

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Monday, January 4, 2010

A "bit" about me

I just ran across this on a friend's blog (hello Katie!) and thought it was a great idea ... So, here goes!

1. Last beverage? Tim Hortons xl 1 cream 3 sweetener
2. Last phone call? Amy calling to tell me she was snowed in this afternoon.
3. Last text message? Msn messages from Rachel and Nickle
4. Last song you listened to? Alanis Morrisette song at the end of tonight's show
5. Last time you cried? Earlier today chopping onions

6. Dated someone twice? Yes, I used to break up with my ex, only to go back to him within the week {stoopid!}
7. Been cheated on? Yes, see above
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? Yes, again, number 6
9. Lost someone special? Yes, recently and I miss her everyday
10. Been depressed? Yes
11. Been drunk? Yup, the late 90s are a blur :S

12. Red
13. Black
14. Pink

I'm answering these next few about 2009
15. Made new friends? Yep ... One of the cool things about my job is that we're always hiring and I have new people added to my team every few months :)
16. Fallen out of love? Nope. Still madly in love with the man I started the year with!
17. Laughed until you cried? Yea, probably ... And I'm going to guess that Nickle was involved; we laugh way too much
18. Met someone who changed you? Yes ... I've met a lot of new friends this year and have started to become more comfortable in my own skin because of them :)
19. Found out who your true friends were? No, I've known the answer to that for a long time
20. Found out someone was talking about you? Everyone talks about me and my amazingness :)
21. Kissed anyone on your friends list? I'm friends with my husband, so yes

22. How many kids do you want to have? None, but it's too late for that, so I'll just stick with the one, thanks
23. Do you have any pets? 2 orange cats... Hesh and Merlin
24. Do you want to change your name? I like my given name, and have a plethora of nicknames ... I'm good
25. What did you do for your last birthday? Absolutely nothing. And it was awesome
26. What time did you wake up today? Around 10:00, I believe
27. What were you doing at midnight last night? Struggling to stay awake watching tv
28. Name something you CANNOT wait for? LOST ... Or winning the lottery
29. Last time you saw your father? November 15th.
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? More money.
31. What are you listening to right now? Watching Desperate Housewives
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?Lol ... It's a Lynette and Tom scene right now ... As for talking to Tom, I talked to Tom Weller a few years ago
33. What’s getting on your nerves right now? Right now, I'm actually pretty calm ... Earlier it was the sound of Diana slurping a straw that got to me

34. What’s your real name? Kathleen
35. Relationship Status? Married, happily :)
36. Zodiac sign? Gemini
37. Male or female? Female..very, very female.
38. Elementary? Neil Armstrong
39. Middle School? Gates-Chili Jr high
40. High school? Gates-Chili Sr high
41. Hair color? Brown
42. Long or short? short ... Trying the Kate Gosselin thing
43. Do you have a crush on someone? I have a lot of crushes ;)
44. What do you like about yourself? I can cook and bake
45. Piercings? Ears
46. Tattoos? None yet
47. Righty or lefty? Righty

48. First surgery? Giving birth to Diana
49. First piercing? Ears
50. First tattoo? Really want to get one on my hip someday
51. First best friend? Debby Stevenson in the 2nd grade
52. First sport you joined? I was on the Wegmans volleyball team ... Does that count?
53. First pet? My black cat, Jack
54. First vacation? My parents took us to the Thousand Islands in 1984
55. First concert? Amy Grant with my sister, mom and aunt in 1987
56. First crush? Davy Jones from the Monkees
57. First alcohol drink? I drank beer at my aunt's wedding when I was 14

58. Eating?'s bedtime.
59. Drinking? Nothing, getting ready for bed
60. I’m about to? Post this on my blog
61. Listening to? Jay typing on the computer
62. Waiting for? Sleep to come.

63. Want kids? Just the one I have
64. Want to get married? Been there, done that ... Worked out well
65. Careers in mind? I'd love to do something culinary and I'm loving my radio gig

66. Lips or eyes? Both
67. Hugs or kisses? Both brighten my day
68. Shorter or taller? Taller
69. Older or Younger? Either
70. Romantic or spontaneous? Romantic, but with the ability to be spontaneous
71. Nice stomach or nice arms? Arms to hold me in, stomach to enjoy my cooking
72. Tattoos or piercings? All of the above
73. Hook-up or relationship? Relationship
74. Trouble maker or hesitant? I'm married to the king of hesitant, but I don't have to bail his ass out of jail, and I'm ok with that

75. Kissed a stranger? Yes
76. Drank hard liquor? Yes, and man, sometimes I miss the stuff!
77. Lost glasses/contacts? Lost a pair of sunglasses at the Everything To Do With Sex Show
78. Broken someones heart? Yes, I suck
79. Had your own heart broken? Yup
80. Been arrested? Nope.
81. Turned someone down? I don't think so
82. Cried when someone died? Yes, more than once..

83. Yourself? I'm learning to.
84. Miracles? Yes
85. Love at first sight? Yup
86. Heaven? Yes, for sure.
87. Santa Claus? If you don’t believe in Santa, you don’t get Santa presents, so duh! (stole the answer from Katie because it's so awesome!!)
88. Kissing on the first date? Sure ... Yea, kissing
89. Angels? yes

90. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Very much so.
91. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? Yes.
92. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? I hope so ... Forever is a really long time :)

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Snow day

Woke up this morning to a LOT of snow outside. One word: yuck! I'm not a fan of the stuff and did not want to venture out at all. Made a crockpot full of chili and got ready to do the radio show. We went over to Rob's and did the show. I think it was one of the best episodes yet, except for Diana tripping over my mic at one point. Yikes

After the show, we did some grocery shopping. We should have gone this afternoon, but since I really didn't feel like battling the snow or the crowds, we waited til tonight. Worked out awesome since there was barely anyone in the store. Yay me!

Diana goes back to school tomorrow, if they don't call a snow day. She's so excited to go back after having the last two weeks off. I hope she remembers this feeling when she gets older. Yes, there was a time when you enjoyed going to school!

We'll see how the morning goes though. She was up on her room singing Christmas carols instead of sleeping earlier.

Friday, January 1, 2010

happy new year!

So, pretty excited about starting a new year. 2009 had some pretty crappy moments for the Stewart family, so we're looking forward to a new year. This past year wasn't all bad though.

Diana started school in September. She's really enjoying going to school and gets along well with the other students. She won an award in October for demonstrating Respect. In December, she took part in her school's Christmas pageant and had a lot of fun being on stage with her class.

In October, we launched our radio show on TrainRek radio and are loving every minute of it. We were able to go to the Everything To Do With Sex show in Toronto in November wih the other radio hosts and producers and had so much fun!

I know there were other awesome moments in 2009....but I just wanted to remind myself that it wasn't all completely awful!

So, 2009, good riddance! Welcome 2010! Please be nicer to us!!

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