Thursday, August 27, 2009

I wrote this Aug 27, but didn't publish it....I suck :P

Jay and I look forward to FanExpo every year. It's the time of the year that our inner-geek really shines. FanExpo is this weekend in Toronto. Can't believe it's been a year since the last one.

Sadly, I won't be attending this year. For one, and I don't know if you know this, but I'm fat. Fat really isn't a reason to miss the Con (have you seen the attendees?) ...but, with being fat, means my knee and back are really not happy with me. Carrying this extra weight, especially in the "how-do-you-say....GUT area" wreaks havoc on my lower back. And, my knee doesn't like me much walking around the convention center all day is probably not going to be a good idea. And, since admission is $25, I really don't want to pay that to sit in the cafeteria area (where the only chairs are) all day. So, I'll be staying home with Diana this year. She was a bit heartbroken she wasn't going, but as an active 4-year old, there's only so many geek-asses she can look at before wanting to break free. Home's probably a good idea for her this year too. Maybe we'll do some sort of super-hero craft! What we really need to do is get thru all of her clothes to figure out what fits, what doesn't, and what she needs before school starts in 13 days!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

road trip!

So, took a trip to Rochester yesterday to retrieve some packages for my friend Brad. Cheaper to ship to the, off to my sister's they went!

Brought the kid and Nickle...good times. It was too bad that Jay couldn't go, but Nickle and I made the best of it. Hot sun while waiting at the border, pizza slices larger than our head at the thruway stop, quick stop at my sister's to pick up the packages, then off to my mom and dad's for a bit.

My parents amuse me. They really do. We walk in, and there's Dad in the living room, listening to his digital music channel on his TV, folding church bulletins. He sets up his card table, has his "cover" and "inserts" piles, and folds away. The man's worked consistently since before he was 18 (lied about his age so he could enter the Army) and even in retirement, can't slow down! Love him!

Had to make a potty break as soon as we got there. With a 4-year old, potty breaks are a regular occurance anyway. So, off to Grandpa's bathroom to potty. My dad is 6'6" and has a "tall" toilet. The old knees aren't as good as they once were, so he opted for a taller toilet. It's really kinda funny to sit on, cuz your brain is conditioned to sit lower while doing your do, but you're stopped mid-sit. Anywho....hoisted the kid on the pot, she did her do, then she went to jump down. Now, on our "normal people" toilets at home, jumping down is not a big feat. However, from Grandpa's royal throne, she wasn't used to the difference and almost fell on her face, literally. It was pretty amusing to witness; Diana laughed too.

Meanwhile, while we were in the bathroom, my mom started calling to us. She came into the living room/dining room area and we chatted for a bit. We were going to get going because we still had a few stops to make (WalMart, Target, Aldi, Wegmans) so, Nickle headed to my dad's bathroom and I headed to my mom's before we took off. So, since I had gone into my mom's room, the gang followed (gang being Diana and Mom) ....and my mom started offering us afghans. Yes, homemade crocheted blankets. Mom likes to keep her hands busy too, and since she's pretty limited mobility-wise, she sits in her room and crochets while watching her documentaries and shows. The thing is, she's just making these blankets, with no real purpose, except to keep busy. So, they're piling up....and up....and up. She kept offering Nicole baby blankets. Really Mom? I ended up taking 4 blankets (one for a gift for someone) and I'm not sure how many Nicole took. Mom was just happy to have more room to make more blankets. She's such an odd duck! :P Then, I saw the pile of granola bars and offered one to Nicole. She politely said "I'm not taking your mom's granola bars!" and I explained....yes you are. One S'mores granola bar for Nickle, one rainbow rice krispie treat for Diana, six packages of shortbread cookies for Jay and a bag of single-serving size packages of beef jerky later, we were off to the car. My mom stock-piles food for the grandkids in her room, then when we visit, we "shop" in her room! lol

Off to the WalMart by mom's house, then to Aldi's. We were going to go to Wegmans Lyell Ave, but they were paving in the parking lot. Now, that's normally not an issue...they weren't totally closed or anything, you just had to park on the other half of the lot. But, I really don't like the new layout and didn't feel like fighting for half the normal number of spaces, so we just took off for the Falls to shop at our regular store on Military Road.

Went to Target first...always a fun trip! Love Target. Diana got new Hello Kitty, Spiderman and Iron Man socks and Spiderman story books. Halloween candy is also starting to appear in the stores! Yikes!!

Then to Wegmans. Unfortunately, no pretzel buns in stock :( Sorry Nickle....they are delish! Then after shopping, back home. It was a long day, but a good time.

Today was my second day of my "weekend" ...and tomorrow starts a 6-day stretch before having 3 days off. It's gonna feel long, I just know it.

Well, off to watch Big Brother and eat some lasagna for din-din!

Til later...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Is today a rainbow day?

Yesterday, on our way home from work/Glenda's, Diana and I saw a rainbow. I think it was the first one she's ever seen. I even pulled over to the side of the road (safety first!) so we could admire it. Unfortunately, I had no camera on me :( ....but, on Facebook, later that evening, my friend Dan posted pictures of the rainbow! Turns out, he was in the area right around the same time! Neat!

Today, when Diana woke up, she asked if today was going to be a rainbow day too. I thought that was such a cool idea....will today be your rainbow day?

She's been obessively drawing rainbows last night and today....and she's using mommy's markers to do so.

the first one is the Stewart Family (I'm the purple one) and a rainbow. She wrote her own name on top too!

The second one is pink hearts, Smoky (Glenda and Jen's gray cat) and Hesh (our orange cat). Hesh has 4 legs...she counted as he walked by and made sure her picture was accurate.

She was so shocked and amazed when I put her notebook on the scanner, and then the pictures showed up on the computer! Ah, technology, you are amazing....and computers work by magic!! :D

In other news, Jay's best friend is in Canada for a bit, so Jay's going to get to see him for the first time in 10 years. I have yet to meet him, so I'm quite excited. Scott has already warned Jay that he needs to approve of me first. (Too funny, since my best friend said the same thing about Jay....and she met him on our wedding day!)

So, we're going to a barbecue at Su's house tomorrow and then Scott, Miriam and the girls will be over Friday to visit as well. I have to work Friday, but I'm excited to meet the Hieberts tomorrow! It's going to be funny hearing all their stories (again)!!

Anyone looking for a mountain bike? I currently have one for sale on kijiji :) I don't use it, and it's just taking up space in the basement. So, might as well make some cash.

Well, that's all I've got for now....I really need to start baking/cooking for tomorrow and Friday. Oh motivation, where are you? Oh yea, it's my day off and you're not around!

Til later....

Monday, August 3, 2009

So much for "regular blogging"

I'm tryin' :D

Meanwhile, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things....The Stewart family had a rough couple of days; all is good now. No worries, we're all safe and sound.

Why is it, when I'm out shopping with Nickle, time flies quick. Like quicker than it takes you to read this sentence. No, quicker. When I'm at work, not so much. I know, I know "Time flies when you're having fun," but seriously, it's ridiculous how much fun that girl and I have together, and before you know it, it's 1:30 in the morning and you're unpacking groceries from the van. Crazy!

Jay and I got to see "Funny People" Sunday thanks to my awesome sales ability and the reward program we have at work. You get "points" for each sale, and when you rack up enough points, you can "buy" an AmEx gift card. The catch: the card is only good at particular stores. No harm; Old Navy, The Children's Place and The Pen Centre cinemas are on the list! W00Hoo! Thank God for that card though, cuz a ticket at The Pen is $10! What the crap? We didn't even buy concessions...just 2 tickets....$19 and change! That's crazy talk!

Anyway....the movie was awesome. Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, a Judd Apatow script...seriously, how can you go wrong?? The only thing better would have been the realization of the rumour that Bruce Springsteen was also going to be in the movie. And Paul Reiser made a quick cameo, but man, he's looking old. And why is it that I've seen 4 movies this year, and 50% of them have had Eric Bana in them? lol! Remember the show "What's Happenin'?" Well, Roger "Raj" Thomas (Ernest Thomas) was in the movie too! My first Raj movie!

Jay's friend Scott is coming into town next I **finally** get to meet the third amigo after 10 years! Can't wait! I'v heard all Jay's stories before, but it'll be neat to get a new perspective...and with a British accent to boot!

Guess that's all I have for now...

Til later...