Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Just finished baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies to mark Diana's first day of school. It's a very 50's home-maker thing to do, I know, but it's something my mom always did for my sister and me. Funny enough, I had it planned for a while now....and Facebook'd back and forth with my sister and she was doing the same thing for her kids. Looks like some things stuck, Mom. Good job!

What other traditions will we carry on? Which ones will we start? Tomorrow's a big day. First day of school for the Yamster. She doesn't realize it yet, but this is HUGE. From not wanting kids, to going to her first day of school with her....yikes!

Everyone keeps wanting us to have more. My answer to that.....awwww hellz no! We lucked out with a great kid....no reason to press our luck! :D Yes, I had a younger sister and......I wouldn't have it any other way **NOW** ...but as kids, we fought like cats and dogs. I don't know how my mother put up with that stress and there's no way I want to add it to my life!

So, Diana was off to bed early tonight. A few tears, but she managed to pass out early enough. Hopefully, with school only being 45 minutes tomorrow, it's not a screaming match to get her to leave!

I'll keep you posted, oh wonderful blog! :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

can I really send her to school?

As we were getting ready to go to Glenda's on Tuesday, Diana went thru her regular ritual of "I need to bring something with me." Usually it's a couple of stuffed animals. Not too many things, Glenda has *plenty* of toys for the kids. But, I can understand Diana wanting to have something of her own with her, and she loves showing her toys to Glenda.

So, this particular day, she chose her Gund teddy bear and just needed to find a second item. And she picked this:

Yes, Mr Hankey, the Christmas Poo. Our lovely and dear friend Mike gifted the Stewarts with a plush Mr Hankey for Christmas last year. Diana loves it, but it's definitely a "stays in the house toy" ...and I don't think we've explained exactly what it is to her. She just enjoys his happy face and Santa hat.

So here I am, explaining that maybe it's not a good idea to bring Mr Hankey to Glenda's without trying to make a big deal that he's a Poo! I can just see the other kids asking Diana why she's playing with Poo. Ugh....

Yesterday, Diana comes in my room and wants to do shadow puppets....cool. I have no problem with this! I was finishing getting dressed and she was keeping herself amused. Then she tells me....I know how to make an apple! Neat! Until she shows me...

Well, this is a bunny (Thank God!) ...but an apple is *very* similar, but without the pointer finger! Um, yea, just a fist with a middle finger sticking up for the stem! Nice!

Oh jeesh....school's 6 days away......what else is she going to think up?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

oh Blog

Yea, so I wrote that last entry and never posted it...I suck :P

Anyway...Jay and Russell ended up going to the con and having a great time with Nickle, Rob, Rachel and Forch. More on that on Jay's blog.

But, I didn't get my clearning-out-Diana's-clothes plan completed because I sent to my sister-in-law's instead....and had FUN!! :D I love just hanging out at Su's and chatting. We dont' really get to see each other as much as I like due to my crappy work hours and how "far" it is between houses. She lives not far from my work, but it's a 15-20 minute commute. Not bad at all, but on the days I don't go to work, I relish not using up gas....I know, crazy. But, that said, it's totally worth it to see my sistah! We're a lot alike, and a lot different. It's a pretty good mix, I think, of complimentary styles. :D And she makes some kick-ass cafe mocha, so no complaints here!! hehehe

Sunday we were back to Su's because Russell ended up sleeping over Saturday night too (after getting back late Saturday night)....more fun! Seriously, we need to get together more often. We always say it, but it's true.

Ok, off to eat some dinner.....and maybe I'll blog later :P