Thursday, July 23, 2009

OMG seriously? Twice in one week?

So, I really want to become a more regular blogger, because I enjoy reading other people's blogs daily. But, as I've said, nothing happens in my life! I'm in a quandary! hahaha

Being Thursday, and I'm working nights this week, we made our weekly trip to the comic book store today. Ah, the haven for nerds. If you ever think that your job is horrible and your customers are the bane of your existence, please try putting yourself in my friend Bev's shoes. Bev works at the comic book store, and although she has a vast knowledge of comic books, she has to put up with the Crème de la Crème of geekdom. Her stories always amuse me and make Jay feel better about his comic book passion, because he's not "as bad as that guy." 

Jay and Diana make their weekly trip to McDonalds so Diana can enjoy an ice cream sundae and Jay gets his giant soda. Their trip almost didn't happen today because of the never-ending rain of Niagara Summer '09, but they were able to make it there and back without getting drenched. Huzzah! Thursdays and Fridays are rough days at work for me, because my family is home...and I want to be too!

This weekend is Jay's birthday. We don't have any plans, per his request, because this is a big one. But, he has requested a cake, so there will be cake in his future for the weekend. He's been doing so great low-carbing this summer, he deserves a treat! So, vanilla cake with buttercream frosting, it is!!

Speaking of low-carbing, I'm giving it another go. I seem to be a little more motivated this wish me luck! Do it! Wish it!! hahaha

Not much else going on. As usual!

So, until next time...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Mid July, and another blog post? For reals?

Hey ya be?

So, I don't blog regularly because nothing really changes in my life. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact. 

I like my boring life. I wake up, I go to work, I go home, I hang with the fam, I fall asleep. Not a bad life, I must say.

I started a new online job this weekend....I'm a kgb agent :), check it out. It's basically a service that you can text message any question, and home agents, like myself, will answer you! It's 99 cents per text. I get paid less than do the math. Yea, I ain't leaving my day job anytime soon. But, it's really interesting to see what people write in with. Hopefully I can put some money away for christmas! The cool part is, it's direct deposited into my U.S. bank account...and I don't even have a bank card for that account anymore....forced savings!

Guess that's about it....I tell ya, my life's boring :) And I like it that way, thank you very much!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy July-whatever weekend

So, here it is, July 3 and I'm not scheduled to work. Why is that, you ask? Because the geniuses behind scheduling -on the client-side of things- decided that the holiday should be observed on Friday instead of the actual day, tomorrow. What does this mean? Well, from what I can determine:

* people will call in for tech support today, and get a recording that we're closed
* we're working tomorrow....but who's calling on the Fourth-of-Freakin-July to troubleshoot their computer?
* most people don't know we're open on Sunday
* Monday's gonna be a bitch

So, aside from being a goof and saying "oh, real cool....the AMERICAN's working on the Fourth!" ....I'm really kinda laughing on the inside, because I have Monday and Tuesday off! Bitchez!!

That said, my job is **not** bad.....especially compared to my husband's job (if you don't read his blog, I highly recommend it...and he blogs more frequently than me!)

Other than that...what else is up?

Cross-border shopping is not the same without Jay, but I'm having an awesome time crossing the border with Nickle in the meantime. Will we ever ever ever run out of conversation topics? Doubt it!

Well, the kid just woke up....and brought down her poodle purse. Thanks Grandma for the huge pink poodle purse. She puts a bunch of stuffed animals in there and walks around the house with it. Oh, too bad the stores don't allow you to bring in dogs :( Guess the poodle will have to stay home whilst we go run errands. :P