Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bullet Sunday #4

w00t! Three weeks in a row there no stopping me? lol

And on to another Bullet Sunday....

- Might have to start a new feature on the blog called "Actual Conversation with Diana." This week's installment:
  • D: There's something brown on my bed
  • K: What is it?
  • {smell wafts into the room}
  • K: Diana, is it poo?
  • D: I dunno, maybe?
- The warm weather is making a lot of people Just getting cranky. I don't like the heat. I like the "no jacket" weather, but not when my house is 80 degrees. It's gonna be a long, whiney summer folks!

- The warm weather does mean that the grill is back, baby! Yay!

- I watch way too much tv. When I spend a good portion of my day off trying to catch up on dvr'd shows, it should make a dent in the percentage of used-up hard drive on said dvr. Not so....cuz I tape 'em as fast as I watch 'em folks!

- I really need to stop referring to my friends/blog followers as folks. Indeedy, I do.

- I love shopping at Wegmans. It really makes me happy happy happy.

- Twitter is fun. Yes, I'm a twit.

Guess that's about it for now.....yea, it's not an exciting life! But, it's mine!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bullet Sunday #3

Yea! 2 in a row, baby!

- Actual converstion with Diana:
  • D: I want eggs for breakfast
  • K: Ok, do you want scrambled eggs or microwave eggs?
  • D: No, I want chocolate eggs!
- Susan Boyle's voice is amazing!

- Cupcakes made with Cadbury Creme Eggs in the center sound better than they are :( Disappointing :(

- Dave from Blogography replied to a Tweet I sent him and it sent me over the moon. Yes, 572 tweet-followers makes you more than a celebrity in my books!

- Getting used to working days again...waking up early sucks!

- I made tacos for dinner, but got mad when my "stand up tacos" fell over. Then, I didn't eat the rest of them. That'll show 'em...stoopid tacos.

- I need a portable computer! hehehe

Guess that's it for now....
Thanks for listening!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bullet Sunday #2

- yea, bullets don't make me blog any more than usual....actually, it turns out to be less :( easter resolution; i will try to blog more

- fun day with mum, joe, su, russell, devon, jay and diana. not too much drama....pretty good for us for a holiday!

- i miss my wacky brother-in-law; just hearing him beep in at one point on the cell phone made me sad that he's not around for family-fun-time

- ok, for reals, the diet must start. this is getting ridiculous!

- i love my husband more and more every day, even if i don't show it. who else would put up with my cranky attitude for 10+ years?

- weekends go by way too fast :(

- i had fun coloring with my new crayons today....and posted my artwork on my mother-in-law's fridge :D