so i'm guessing this blogging thing isn't going to be every day, although i check other people's pretty regularly and get mad when it's not updated (*cough* hypocrite *cough*) hahaha
not too much going on....except a bad back that's really making me angry. one minute, my back is fine, the next, pinched nerve and i'm walking like my dear great-aunt mary, all hunched over and such. it truly does suck getting old!
so, last friday, i got an email from my bestest friend in ohio and we made a phone date....i called her saturday and we talked for 2 1/2 hours! i miss her so much. but, i was successful in my plan to get her to join facebook! yay me! it was sad talking to her, realizing that she bought her house in 2002, and i still haven't seen it! i don't like that life gets in the way of doing things! stoopid life!
work is's there, and i love the people i work with, but i know it's not what i want to do for the rest of my life. but, it's paying my bills (kinda) and there's no extra money to put towards what i want to do, which would include going back to school. even if i went for osap and such, what am i going to do with my kid in the meantime?
you know those people that say "i can't remember my life without kids?" well, i can! and i miss it! please do not misconstrue that statement into "i don't want my kid" because i love diana more than i thought i could love anyone and wouldn't change a thing....but i can vividly remember my life before her. maybe true, deep labour pains erase those memories or something, and since i didn't go into deep labour, those memories remain. hmmmm....maybe i'm on to something. like in the movie "men in black" when they use their little light-pen things to erase the person's memory...maybe that was supposed to happen!
again, i don't regret diana....i just remember a time without her. was it better? depends on your perspective. would i go back? nah, i like the kid...let's keep her around. :P i was never one of those people who said "i can't wait to have kids" ...i didn't want kids. ask around, my family and friends will vouche for me on that one. i actively tell my friends now "don't have kids...don't do it!" i am glad that i waited until i was deep into my 30s before i had her. i lived a fun life. regrets? i have a few....but it was fun. my fun and craziness led me to jay. mistake? i think not! i remember my life without jay...i thought i was happy back then. i can look back now and see that i really wasn't. did this get so deep? this has to stop! and i'm going to go watch the end of top chef now.... :P
til later....hopefully it won't be another 2 weeks!
it’s the little things.
3 days ago