So Christmas is less than a week away and I'm in no way ready for it! And it doesn't even feel like Christmas, really. Yes, we have the tree up in the living room, we've been making cookies and crafting Chrismas-themed things, listening to holiday music at home and in the car, watching Christmas specials on tv constantly, gone shopping for gifts for all the good little girls and boys, but something just hasn't clicked to me that the holiday will be here in four days. Lack of snow, perhaps? I'm not complaining; the longer the snow stays away, the happier I am. Maybe it's because I'm not heading home this holiday season. Because of Jay's lack of a passport and with finances being as they are, we're postponing the state-side holiday festivities for a while. Hopefully by February we'll have celebrated with my dad and sister. Maybe that's what's got me off my game ... Lack of rushing around to fit all the visits in this year. We're heading to Jay's sister's house on Christmas day. The end. No other running around to do. Again, not complaining, it just feels weird.
I'm hoping my Christmas spirit shows up soon. I need it to kick my butt in gear to wrap some presents!
it’s the little things.
3 days ago