So, as you may already know from my facebook/twitter/email blitz, Jay and I are starting a radio show on Sunday. 7pm - 9pm on
We're geeks (just clarifying that in case you hadn't already got that vibe from us) and now we get to take those geek talents and passions and put them to work!
Jay went to school for broadcasting, so he's pretty pumped about getting to combine his passions.....comic books/movies/tv and radio! Me? I'm a geek and I like to, um, yea....that's what I have to add to this venture!
We're taping the show on Thursday, since my work schedule doesn't allow me to do a live show this week. Jay's so cute, doing his homework....getting reviews ready, brushing up on geek-related news for the week. I'm also doing some homework; Jay's excited that I've actually gotten back in to reading a few comic books, so I can discuss them with a bit of knowledge.
Rob and Nickle were over tonight and there was some talk about getting Diana to "guest" on the show too. That would be the awesome. We'll have to play that one by ear though. I suggested that we tape her "bathtime conversations" because she seems to have some pretty detailed ideas while playing in the bath (Jay's blog about the tv show she wants to make with Becca, Spiderman, Iron Man and Chewbacca, for example)
For the next few days, I'll have my nose in a comic book or a notebook jotting my thoughts, in preparation for the show. This is going to be quite exciting.
Until later,